Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Bottle of Baby Parts

If you'd like to horrify your shopping companions, simply go into an antique mall and purchase an old jar filled with various odd baby parts.  I found this beauty in an antique mall in Lincoln, Nebraska.  I think it has a certain artistic beauty just the way it is, so I have no immediate plans to change it!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Peanut Baby

The makers of this little celluloid doll went into great detail making the details on her body and face.  They even put her in a sweet little peanut.  Then, to give her a mouth, the just punched a hole in her face!!!  A bit harsh, don't you think?  At least her monkey friend doesn't seem to mind.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Billiken Makes a New Friend

Billiken has always been a friendly sort of guy and loves making new friends.  So what if your new friend doesn't have any skin.....